
Have you ever taking a long road trip and noticed changes along the way? Part of the changes taking place is you leaving one biome and entering the next.  Biomes are usually noticed first through the plant life.  As your travelling are you seeing grasslands?  Is their a change to more trees?  As continuing along is their a lot of underbrush between the trees making everything seem thicker?

Changes as noted above represent a change in biome.  A biome is a region with a climate that is well defined causing a particular plants to grow.  Climates are based on two factors temperature and moisture.

A desert for example will have extreme temperatures with very little moisture.  Only certain types of plants have tolerances designed to withstand this type of climate.

What does this mean?  Climate determines the type of plant life that can grow in a given region.  Plants determine the type of animals that will be in the region as certain animals need a particular type of plant for their food and habitat.

Click on the links at the left to learn more about each of the seven biomes.

( To engage high school students interactively the 4MAT model is utilized.)
